PCB Manufacturing Technical Term

Some PCB Manufacturing Technical Teram 

A. 开料( Cut LaminaTIon)
:The process of cutting raw materials into the desired size or shape for further processing.
a-1 裁板( Sheets CutTIng):The specific action of cutting sheets of material.
a-2 原物料发料(Panel)(Shear material to Size):Distributing the raw materials in the form of panels and cutting them to the appropriate size.

B. 钻孔(Drilling):The operation of creating holes in a workpiece using a drill bit.
b-1 内钻(Inner Layer Drilling ):Drilling holes within the inner layers of a material.
b-2 一次孔(Outer Layer Drilling ):The first set of holes drilled in the outer layer.
b-3 二次孔(2nd Drilling):The second round of drilling holes.
b-4 雷射钻孔(Laser Drilling )(Laser AblaTIon ):Using laser technology to create holes.
b-5 盲(埋)孔钻孔(Blind & Buried Hole Drilling):Drilling holes that are either blind (not going through the entire thickness) or buried (hidden within the layers).

C. 干膜制程( Photo Process(D/F)):A manufacturing process involving dry film for specific purposes.
c-1 前处理(Pretreatment):Preparatory treatment before the main process.
c-2 压膜(Dry Film LaminaTIon):Applying a dry film to the surface.
c-3 曝光(Exposure):Exposing the material to a certain light source.
c-4 显影(Developing):Bringing out the desired pattern or image.
c-5 蚀铜(Etching):Removing copper from the surface through a chemical process.
c-6 去膜(Stripping):Removing the film that was previously applied.
c-7 初检( Touch-up):An initial inspection and possible minor corrections.
c-8 化学前处理,化学研磨( Chemical Milling ):Chemical treatments and grinding for surface preparation.
c-9 选择性浸金压膜(Selective Gold Dry Film Lamination):Applying a dry film selectively for gold immersion.
c-10 显影(Developing ):Again, the process of revealing the desired pattern.
c-11 去膜(Stripping ):Removing the film as in previous steps.
Developing, Etching & Stripping ( DES ):These are three separate but related processes in the manufacturing sequence.

D. 压合Lamination:Combining or bonding multiple layers together.
d-1 黑化(Black Oxide Treatment):A treatment to create a black oxide layer on the surface.
d-2 微蚀(Microetching):A gentle etching process for surface modification.
d-3 铆钉组合(eyelet ):Assembling using rivets.
d-4 叠板(Lay up):Stacking the plates or layers in a specific order.
d-5 压合(Lamination):Applying pressure to bond the layers.
d-6 后处理(Post Treatment):Treatments carried out after the main lamination process.
d-7 黑氧化( Black Oxide Removal ):Removing the black oxide layer.
d-8 铣靶(spot face):Machining a specific area or spot.
d-9 去溢胶(resin flush removal):Removing excess resin that has overflowed.

E. 减铜(Copper Reduction):Reducing the amount of copper on the surface.
e-1 薄化铜(Copper Reduction):Thinning the copper layer.

F. 电镀(Horizontal Electrolytic Plating):Applying a coating through an electrolytic process.
f-1 水平电镀(Horizontal Electro-Plating) (Panel Plating):Electroplating in a horizontal orientation, typically for panels.
f-2 锡铅电镀( Tin-Lead Plating ) (Pattern Plating):Applying a tin-lead coating in a specific pattern.
f-3 低于 1 mil ( Less than 1 mil Thickness ):Having a thickness less than 1 mil.
f-4 高于 1 mil ( More than 1 mil Thickness):Having a thickness greater than 1 mil.
f-5 砂带研磨(Belt Sanding):Using a belt sander for surface smoothing.
f-6 剥锡铅( Tin-Lead Stripping):Removing the tin-lead coating.
f-7 微切片( Microsection):Taking a very thin slice for microscopic examination.

G. 塞孔(Plug Hole):Filling or blocking holes.
g-1 印刷( Ink Print ):Applying ink through a printing process.
g-2 预烤(Precure):A preliminary curing process.
g-3 表面刷磨(Scrub):Cleaning or smoothing the surface by scrubbing.
g-4 后烘烤(Postcure):Curing after the main process.

H. 防焊(绿漆/绿油): (Solder Mask):A coating to prevent soldering in unwanted areas.
h-1 C 面印刷(Printing Top Side):Printing on the top side.
h-2 S 面印刷(Printing Bottom Side):Printing on the bottom side.
h-3 静电喷涂(Spray Coating):Applying a coating using electrostatic forces.
h-4 前处理(Pretreatment):Preparatory steps before applying the solder mask.
h-5 预烤(Precure):Initial curing.
h-6 曝光(Exposure):Exposing to light.
h-7 显影(Develop):Bringing out the desired pattern.
h-8 后烘烤(Postcure):Final curing.
h-9 UV 烘烤(UV Cure):Curing using UV light.
h-10 文字印刷( Printing of Legend ):Printing of text or legends.
h-11 喷砂( Pumice)(Wet Blasting):Using abrasive materials for surface treatment.
h-12 印可剥离防焊(Peelable Solder Mask):Printing a solder mask that can be peeled off.

I. 镀金 Gold plating:Applying a gold coating.
i-1 金手指镀镍金( Gold Finger ):Plating nickel and gold on the gold fingers.
i-2 电镀软金(Soft Ni/Au Plating):Electroplating a soft nickel and gold layer.
i-3 浸镍金( Immersion Ni/Au) (Electroless Ni/Au):Using an immersion process for nickel and gold plating.

J. 喷锡(Hot Air Solder Leveling):A process to level the solder on the surface.
j-1 水平喷锡(Horizontal Hot Air Solder Leveling):Carried out in a horizontal orientation.
j-2 垂直喷锡( Vertical Hot Air Solder Leveling):Performed in a vertical direction.
j-3 超级焊锡(Super Solder ):A special type of solder.
j-4. 印焊锡突点(Solder Bump):Printing solder bumps.

K. 成型(Profile)(Form):Shaping the material into the final form.
k-1 捞型(N/C Routing ) (Milling):Using CNC routing or milling for shaping.
k-2 模具冲(Punch):Using a punch for forming.
k-3 板面清洗烘烤(Cleaning & Backing):Cleaning and baking the surface.
k-4 V 型槽( V-Cut)(V-Scoring):Creating V-shaped grooves or cuts.
k-5 金手指斜边( Beveling of G/F):Beveling the edges of the gold fingers.

L. 开短路测试(Electrical Testing) (Continuity & Insulation Testing):Testing for open circuits and short circuits.
l-1 AOI 光学检查( AOI Inspection):Inspection using Automated Optical Inspection.
l-2 VRS 目检(Verified & Repaired):Visual inspection and possible repair.
l-3 泛用型治具测试(Universal Tester):Testing using a universal testing fixture.
l-4 专用治具测试(Dedicated Tester):Testing with a dedicated fixture.
l-5 飞针测试(Flying Probe):A specific type of testing method.

M. 终检( Final Visual Inspection):The final visual inspection before packaging and shipping.
m-1 压板翘( Warpage Remove):Removing any warping or distortion.
m-2 X-OUT 印刷(X-Out Marking):Printing X-Out marks.
m-3 包装及出货(Packing & shipping):Packaging the products and arranging for shipment.
m-4 目检( Visual Inspection):Visual inspection.
m-5 清洗及烘烤( Final Clean & Baking):Final cleaning and baking.
m-6 护铜剂(ENTEK Cu-106A)(OSP):Applying a copper protectant.
m-7 离子残余量测试(Ionic Contamination Test )(Cleanliness Test):Testing for ionic contamination to ensure cleanliness.
m-8 冷热冲击试验(Thermal cycling Testing):Subjecting the product to thermal cycling for testing.
m-9 焊锡性试验( Solderability Testing ):Testing the solderability of the surface.

N. 雷射钻孔(Laser Ablation):Drilling holes using laser technology.
N-1 雷射钻 Tooling 孔(Laser ablation Tooling Hole):Drilling tooling holes with a laser.
N-2 雷射曝光对位孔(Laser Ablation Registration Hole):Drilling registration holes for exposure alignment using a laser.
N-3 雷射 Mask 制作(Laser Mask):Manufacturing a laser mask.
N-4 雷射钻孔(Laser Ablation):The main process of laser drilling.
N-5 AOI 检查及 VRS ( AOI Inspection & Verified & Repaired):Automated Optical Inspection and verification and repair.
N-6 Blaser AOI (after Desmear and Microetching):AOI after desmearing and microetching using a laser.
N-7 除胶渣(Desmear):Removing the smear or residue.
N-8 微蚀(Microetching ):A gentle etching process for surface modification.